How to Keep Your Storage Unit Clean

A good storage unit facility is clean and well maintained, but that doesn’t mean your unit won’t still see some dust. Dust happens! However, there are some steps you can take to keep your storage unit clean.
How do I keep my storage unit clean?
Be prepared for dust. No matter what you do, you’ll see some dust on your items. Dust won’t ruin every item, but you do want to be careful with linens and clothes.
Clean your items before you put them in storage. It’s a bad idea to put already-dirty or dusty items in storage. They can get your other items dirtier and even end up smelling later.
Store your items in containers. Plastic containers are best when it comes to protecting your belongings. They’ll add an extra barrier to dust and will also help when it comes to saving space.
Keep large items covered. Cover items like furniture to help minimize dust. Covering items also helps protect them from damage as well.
Store your items in containers. Plastic containers are best when it comes to protecting your belongings. They’ll add an extra barrier to dust and will also help when it comes to saving space.
Let in the fresh air. Your storage unit and your items need some space to breathe! Opening up your unit from time to time can help get rid of the dusty smell that it may take on over time.
Don’t store any food, especially perishable items. Of course, food can smell and attract pests. Some may think it’s okay to store sealed items like coffee bags or canned goods, but nothing will stop pests from trying to get in!
Wipe down your items from time to time. Keep some cleaning supplies in your storage unit and make it a habit to wipe down your items when you come in. This will make it easier when you move out and it will prevent dust from building up over time.
Take the time to protect your items from the very beginning and you’ll avoid damage later. At Space Shop, we have plenty of locations, many of which are climate-controlled. We take pride in our clean facilities and will do whatever we can to help ensure your unit is safe and clean. Have any questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can find a list of our locations here.