How to Store Summer Pool Toys and Floaties

Three siblings posing for a picture in a pool.

Long summer days are coming to an end which means it’s time to start thinking about closing up the pool and packing away all your floaties for the season. Pool toys and floaties come in some awkward shapes and sizes that can leave you stumped on where and how to store them. But don’t feel too deflated (see what we did there) – we have some helpful tips and tricks on how to store summer pool toys that’ll make saying goodbye to summer a little easier on you.

Tip #1: Wash and dry pool floaties before storing.

Damp and dirty pool floats are the perfect environment for pests to set up camp, and for mold and mildew to thrive. Before you deflate your floaties, follow these steps to ensure they’re in perfect condition for next summer:

  1. Use a dry cloth to wipe off any dirt.

  2. Rinse with a garden hose.

  3. Fill a bucket with warm water and dish soap.

  4. Dip a cloth into your mixture and scrub away.

  5. Rinse thoroughly.

  6. Dry them in the sun.

Tip #2: Deflate all the air out of anything inflatable and gently fold them.

Inflatable pool toys take up a lot of space. The good news is that they’re easy to condense. The bad news is that some of them can be really difficult to deflate. The easiest way to get the deflation job done is by either using a pump with deflation capabilities or by using a drinking straw. After you get them deflated, gently fold them up so that you can easily stack and store them in any container.

Tip #3: Use airtight containers.

Using airtight containers can prevent drastic changes in temperature from damaging your pool toys. Airtight containers will help maintain a fairly consistent temperature keeping mold, mildew, and pests from ruining your belongings. If you don’t want to use bulky containers, you can always use vacuum-sealed bags which have the same benefits!

Tip #4: Leave them in The Space Shop’s hands.

The best way to make sure your summer pool toys and floaties are safe and sound is by storing them in a storage unit. We’re summer enthusiasts here at Space Shop Self Storage and care about making sure all of your pool toys make their way into the pool again next year, and the year after that, and the year after that (you get the point). Find your nearest Space Shop location here, and stop by to say hi!

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