How to Properly Store Antique Furniture

That antique couch that once sat in your great-grandmother’s living room holds more than just precious memories from your childhood – it probably holds some monetary value as well. Why not put it in storage until you finally find the perfect place in your home for it? Before you put it in storage, check out these tips for storing antique furniture that’ll keep them safe and sound.
Wooden Furniture
Wood is one of the most popular materials that furniture is made out of, and when treated right, can be very durable. But if treated incorrectly, you can kiss the value of the antique piece goodbye. Follow these steps to make sure you don’t find your once beautiful armchair turned into a pile of soon-to-be firewood:
Apply a coat of wax or furniture polish a few weeks before storing. This adds moisture, preventing any cracks and splits from occurring.
Remove any glass parts of the furniture and wrap in bubble wrap.
Remove any drawers and wrap in towels to protect the wood for inconvenient climates.
Cover with breathable fabrics such as cotton sheets to provide an extra layer of protection and prevent dust and debris from getting in crevices. Be sure to also fasten them with painter’s tape.
Keep wooden furniture elevated. Use wooden pallets or cinder blocks to raise it up off of the ground. This protects it should any water seep into the storage unit.
Cushioned Furniture
Cushioned furniture is a little more complex than wooden furniture, mostly because they’re the perfect environment for mold to grow. Unless you want your great-grandmother’s beautiful vintage couch to turn into a mold farm, follow these steps before putting in in storage:
Use an antibacterial cleaner to ensure that it’s in top shape and bacteria-free.
Always let the furniture dry completely before putting it in storage to reduce the risk of mold.
Polish or wax any leather furniture to give it an extra layer of protection against moisture.
Airflow is important, so refrain from stacking the furniture. Stacking furniture can increase the risk of mold growth and cause dents and holes.
Keep cushioned furniture elevated using wood pallets to prevent unexpected water damage.
One of the easiest ways to ensure your antique furniture retains its value is to opt for a climate-controlled unit. When you get a climate-controlled unit, you’re not just getting temperature control, you’re getting humidity control, too. And if you live in the south, you know just how humid summers can get!
Climate-controlled unit or not, at Space Shop, we care about keeping your valuables protected. We’ll work with you to choose the unit that’s right for your wallet and antiques. Reach out to us here, or stop by your nearest location, grab a cookie, and chat with us about your options!