How Self Storage Can Help During a Home Remodel

If you’re going through a home remodel, self storage can be extremely beneficial. A home remodel can take a long time and require you to move your furniture around fairly often. That’s why being able to store your items outside of your home is always helpful.
Some tips when it comes to using self storage during a home remodel:
- Identify the furniture and items that will need to be moved temporarily during your remodel. This may include entire rooms full of items or just a few items here and there. Either way, it helps to begin by taking inventory.
- Determine whether or not you’ll need any of the items above during your home remodel.
- Keep anything that you will need in your home and store in a storage closet, an unused room, or somewhere inconspicuous.
- Store the rest of your items in a storage unit to make room and keep you from feeling cluttered during the project.
- Clearly label any boxes that you store so you can easily access when you need them.
- Find alternatives to any rooms that are being renovated. For example, if you’re remodeling your kitchen, you’ll need to find a new alternative: a place to cook meals and clean dishes. Consider a basement or unused room in your house where you can plug in a fridge, microwave, and any other helpful appliances.
- If this is the case, also consider meals! Think through some meals that you can make easily with only appliances that can be plugged in, rather than those that need an oven or stovetop. Microwave meals will be your friend!
- Consider a remodeling vacation. Remodeling can be stressful on the entire family. If you have it in your budget and if it works with your family’s schedules, take some time away from the home and stay in a hotel, an Airbnb, or with some family or friends.
The best way to prepare for a remodeling project is by having a storage unit ready for any items, large or small, for which you may need to find a new home. We’re here to give you a storage unit that’s convenient for you – just check out our locations here.